Tuesday 28 November 2017

Introducing our main task- part two.

Brief- A promotion package for a new film, to include a trailer, together with of the following three options:

  • A website homepage for the film
  • A film magazine front cover, featuring the film
  • A poster for the film
Why have we chosen to do a trailer?
In year 12 we created a short film and after a long discussion we decided to create a trailer instead of a short film, as last year we struggled with titles last year and realised we wanted to try something different.  We want to create a much higher standard product this year and focus more on mise-en-scene, camerawork and sound. We both have learnt a number of new techniques which we hope to include in this years task. Year 12 taught me a lot, and enabled me to develop my media skills. I had never used Premiere pro before and I could further my skills on Photoshop. This year, i hope to improve my skills even further by creating a magazine front cover page and a poster. 

What are the two options we have chosen to do?

Sophie and I have decided to make a poster as well as a magazine front cover page in which our film will feature. I feel as though these two options will help me progress my Photoshopping skills and enable me to show my creativity. Sophie and I previously used Photoshop and both struggled, we feel this year we need to challenge ourselves. 

Planning- chosen non-diegetic sound

We have chosen the song Perfect by Ed Sheeran, we will do a cover where a classmate will play the guitar and i will sing. Below are the chords and lyrics for the song. The song has lovely words which we feel will fit the trailer well, this will be played throughout with other sound effects to build the atmosphere and mood. We have also considered the song Please don't say you love me by Gabrielle Aplin.

I found a lGove for Emme Darling just diCve right in, and follow myD lead Well I found a gGirl beautiful and Emsweet I never knCew you were the someone waiting forD me
Cause we were just kids when we fGell in love Not knowing whEmat it was, I will not gCive you up this Gti-Dime But darling just kiGss me slow, your heart is Emall I own And in your eCyes you’re holding Dmine
Baby, IEm’m daCncing in the Gdark, with Dyou between my Emarms CBarefoot on the gGrass, Dlistening to our Emfavorite song When you sCaid you looked a Gmess, I whispered Dunderneath my bEmreath But you hCeard it, darling Gyou look Dperfect tonight
G F#m Em D C - D - [VERSE]
Well I found a Gwoman, stronger than Emanyone I know She shares my drCeams, I hope that someday I’ll share her Dhome I found a lGove, to carry Emmore than just my secrets To carry Clove, to carry children of our Down
We are still kids, but we’re sGo in love, fighting agEmainst all odds I know that we’ll Cbe alright this Gti-Dime Darling just hoGld my hand, be my girl, I’ll Embe your man I see my fCuture in your eDyes
Baby, EmI’m dCancing in the dGark, with Dyou between my Emarms CBarefoot on the gGrass, Dlistening to our Emfavorite song When I sCaw you in that drGess, looking so bDeautiful I Emdon't desCerve this, darling Gyou look Dperfect tonight
Baby, EmI’m dCancing in the dGark, with Dyou between my Emarms BCarefoot on the grGass, Dlistening to our Emfavorite song I have fCaith in what I Gsee, now I know DI have met an Emangel In pCerson, and Gshe looks Dperfect tonight No I dCon't deserve it, Dyou look perfect tonight

Please don't say you love me

F     C     Am       G      F 
    Summer comes,   winter fades,
C       Am  G        F
Here we are, just the same,
   C         Am        G             F
We dont need pressure, we don’t need change,
C        Am       G      F   C   Am   G
Lets not give the game away.

F         C     Am      G     F
   There used to be an empty space,
    C     Am     G      F
A photograph without a face,
    C           Am     G          F
But with your presence and your grace, 
 C   Am        G        F      F   F
Everything falls into place.


F                         C
Just please don't say you love me,
          G                Am
'cause I might not say it back,
        F                     C                 G               Am  
Doesn't mean my heart stopped skipping when you look at me like that. 
F                  C              G                    Am
There's no need to worry when you see just where we're at. 
F                        C              
Just please don't say you love me 
G                         F   C   Am   G       F   C   Am   G
'cause I might not say it back.

[Verse 2]

F    C    Am        G       F 
   Heavy words are hard to take,
    C    Am      G              F  
Under pressure, precious things can break, 
    C       Am      G       F 
And how we feel is hard to fake,
    C       Am         G       F   F
So let's not give the game away.


      F                     C
Just please don't say you love me,
          G                Am
'cause I might not say it back,
             F                   C              G               Am  
Doesn't mean my heart stopped skipping when you look at me like that. 
     F                 C               G                 Am
And there's no need to worry when you see just where we're at. 
      F                    C              
Just please don't say you love me 
G                           Am
'cause I might not say it back.


Fools rush in.
F                        C
And I've been the fool before,
This time I'm gonna slow down,
'cause I think this could be more,
                                C  G
The thing I'm looking for.


      F                     C
Just please don't say you love me,
          G                Am
'cause I might not say it back,
             F                   C              G               Am  
Doesn't mean my heart stopped skipping when you look at me like that. 
     F                 C               G                 Am
And there's no need to worry when you see just where we're at. 
      F                    C              
Just please don't say you love me 
G                           Am
'cause I might not say it back.

      F                     C
Just please don't say you love me,
          G                Am
'cause I might not say it back,
             F                   C              G               Am  
Doesn't mean my heart stopped skipping when you look at me like that. 
     F                 C               G                 Am
And there's no need to worry when you see just where we're at. 
      F                    C              
Just please don't say you love me 
G                           Am
'cause I might not say it back.


      F                    C              
Just please don't say you love me 
G                           Am
'cause I might not say it back.

Friday 24 November 2017

Post production- ancillary research for magazine front cover and poster- typography

For the title of the trailer, i downloaded font from 'Dafont'. The font had a broken effect on it which worked well with the title of the film. I tried many other fonts in Photoshop but found none of them looked appealing or fit the name of the trailer. I also like the fact that the cracks are very faint and not too dramatic suggesting that its little things that hold people together and without them the couple do not survive. 
For the poster i used a Photoshop font as i liked the curl to the font. It follows the typical conventions of a romance film.I lowered the opacity to 80% and also added an effect making part of the title break away into the trees in order to have a similar effect to the magazine font. 
The other font is helvetica and altered using the height tall and i altered the boldness to fit with different aspects of the poster. For example, the small print at the bottom of the page was stretched out to fit the conventions of a film poster.
I downloaded the font and then edited it into Photoshop, i simply copied the text onto the magazine front cover. I kept the opacity as 100%  as it was more effective and bold. I also used helvetica for the other font on the page as it had a professional and formal appearance. Once again, i stretched the font out as well as alter the boldness in order to make the magazine more visual. 

Planning- Ancillary research for a magazine cover

Conventions of a magazine front cover: 
front covers of magazines should be designed to interest the public and become eye catching. They also display a main image in the centre of the page with bold titles displayed across the image and clean layouts to create an overall appealing look.

The master headline is usually at the top of the page and will create the brands image and will make it easily recognisable for the audience. 

The central image is usually a close up or medium shot of a person. The people being advertised will usually be featured on the front cover therefore for our trailer our two characters will be involved as the photo. Reasoning for the image being close up and in the middle of the page is because they are the main focus of the magazine and product. The Gaze is the direct address for example having the characters looking down the camera it is welcoming and creates a bond between the product and the audience. Also, by having the characters looking at each other will allow the audience to feel he relationship and connection between the characters in the image. 

The slogan is usually positioned underneath the master headline and explains the content and makes the page stand out from its rivals. 

Cover lines are usually the main text on the cover and they advertise the other articles, as well as this main article shown on the cover, in the rest of the magazine to entice the readers.
See the source image

For example, with this magazine front cover, you can see the mast head clearly that remains the same colour in each edition. They also have cover lines in different with buzz words such as 'Exclusive'. The film title is featured, they use a contrast colour to stand out but also highlight the colours in the main image. The front cover then incorporates the required information.

Planning- ancillary research- magazine front cover analysis

Entertainment Weekly is an American magazine, published by Meredith Corporation, that covers filmtelevisionmusicBroadway theatre, books and popular cultureIt publishes several "double issues" each year (usually in January, May, June and/or August) that are available on newsstands for two weeks. The masthead is always at the top of the page but often the font is not obstructed by the main image. 

Main image:
The focal point of the image is often the main characters from the featured film, which is why mid shots are used. The characters take up most of the image but the light and bright background creates a happy atmosphere. It suggests the film is set in a rural area perhaps. 
The colour Green (the color of life) has connotations of renewal, nature, and energy, is associated with meanings of growth, harmony, freshness, safety, fertility, and environment. It has healing power, suggesting that perhaps in this film one of the characters is ill or there perhaps is a breaking in the relationship that gets resolved. 

Usually at the top of the page there will be the masthead (title of the magazine). It will also often be the largest font on the page. The font will indicate the target audience of the magazine. Similar to the font, the image should reflect the genre of the magazine. The main shot is often a mid-shot that shows what the film is about. For example, in this magazine it is clear that the two people are a couple, suggesting its a romance film. It usual includes the main character or characters. In addition, magazine covers will have 'buzz words' which mean words such as 'exclusive' or 'free'. These are simply used to capture attention from the reader. Anchorage text is used which overlaps the image. It may tell you about the film or mention interviews with the actors. Banners just gives overall information about the magazine and perhaps mention what will be inside. Finally, barcodes, issue number and date will be on the front cover, it is required. 

The masthead is the name of the magazine 'Entertainment', it is the same on every issue. Often the colour is changed in order to fit in with the background, it is behind the image. The font used is bureau grot, it is clear so it can be read easily. the font looks professional and gives a sense of modernism. It is quite formal and doesn't reflect the film they are promoting. The title of the film is placed on the left hand side and is the second largest font on the cover. It immediately informs the audience of what the film is about. In addition, the fact its in italics makes it stand out despite it being smaller than the masthead. The fact the film title is positioned to the left in the middle makes it contrast with the white shirt that the actor is wearing. 

Language features:
The magazine mainly covers features that will sell. There will be pull quotes to draw the reader in such as 'exclusive', this shows that the magazine is the first to have the information. There are also subsidiary banners used to fill up dead space. they use more pull words for example in this issue the word 'plus' is used. These words attract the reader and keeps them engaged. the words stand out clearly because they contrast with the neutral background. Also the use of question marks makes the reader think and draws you in, wanting to know the answer. All words on the front cover inform the reader of whats inside, they are short summaries of the stories. 

Colour scheme:
The colour scheme is often in relation to the film, the colours used will be the same as the colour used in the poster etc. The black font and blue underlines relate to the book front cover. The colour blue often has connotations of masculinity but the fact its a light blue suggests youth as well as symbolizing trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven. the colour black has negative connotations of death or the unknown. However, it can also symbolize power and elegance. The black also provides a sense of mystery, making the audience curious. The colour scheme works well with the main image as it stands out and is clear. Also the 

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Planning- Ident

We created our ident in photoshop. We liked the idea of the eye as it holds the idea that the eyes are the way to the soul. We thought it would look very striking and this is how we came up with the title as well. 

To create our iden, we got a picture of an eye. The on photoshop, we changed the threshold levels to make it stand out. The use of black and white exaggerate the details in the eye as well. 

Tuesday 21 November 2017

Planning- Time management of production

After changing our idea to a trailer, we no longer need the extended script. We will shorten it to make it fit the time scale. 

Monday 20 November 2017

Planning- ancillary research- poster analysis

I chose this poster because i felt it was slightly similar to the one i plan to create. It focuses on the background as well as the character. The film is about a couple in which the husband dies, the husband prepared for his death and made plans ahead to make it easier for his wife to deal with. It had a lot of success, grossing around $53,000,000

Main image:
The image is a wide shot with the female on a bench slightly centred to the left. The letters blowing away in the wind gives a sense of loss, it creates the image of death as the bright white paper almost appears to be feathers/doves (a symbol of love and death). The urban setting in the background is quite dominating and suggests this is a romance film as romance films are conventionally set in cities. The fact we cannot see the character is unusual as they are not making direct address with the audience. It draws in the audience, making us want to find out what she is reading. 
The slight haze around the image creates a sort of magical atmosphere. The bright light behind the women, creating the silhouette makes her stand out and focuses on her. The tree on the left hand side is unusual as it creates a eerie mood but suggests that something does happen to this character which has a negative impact on her. the fact the tree has no leaves on, shows its in autumn as well as symbolising death. The main character is not the centre of this poster, suggesting there is more to this story other than the relationship between two people. 

The bright lighting behind the character immediately makes me think of heaven and the darkness around the image enhances the silhouette even more. The high a low key lighting suggests this character may have conflict within herself, a personal struggle that she has to overcome. The brightness of the letters as well suggests that they will help her, and she will get through it. 

I think this does fit with the genre of the film however, its not conventional to a romance film. It does show that there is going to be a break in the relationship and the fact we don't see her partner suggests we will be following her through this. The title of the film immediately implies that the couple have exchanged letters and shows that the two are apart. It does suggest that her partner was a big part of her life and despite the darkness around her, these letters appear to give her happiness. It sparks enigma, we want to know what's in the letters and what's happened between the two thats caused them to be apart. 

The general conventions of a poster is to get the attention of the audience and there must be a focal point to grab the audience's eye. It should also show the genre clearly. It may have a release date as well as production information and characters. Some have reviews from magazines and newspapers. 

The typography for the film title is written in script, it makes it more personal and further implies that the couple have exchanges letters. It further hints at the narrative, it is conventional for a romance film. 
The other font is very formal which shows the seriousness of this relationship. The font in the centre of the page translates from french to "She only had one thing to tell him"

Mise en scene:
The main colour scheme is greens, blues and whites. All the colours work well together and enhance the whites, making t really effective and stand out. This then sparks enigma as well as creating a unsual mood. The colour scheme is not typical of a romance film. Often warm colours are used; it goes against the conventional colour pallette. The dark green creates a sense of death and the silhouette provides a sense of the unknown. We want to see the characters face. It implies that she will have to deal with grief after losing a loved one, she may feel isolated like how she looks on this poster. Due to the bright light, you cant see the characters clothing, she is wearing a hat however, suggesting that it is cold. This could be pathetic fallacy, representing her mood. It further sparks enigma, the audience wants to know more. The main props used are the letters, these are enhanced and draw in the audience.

Planning- conventions of a romance film

Planning- mind map of our idea updated

Thursday 16 November 2017

Planning-consent form

This is to confirm that i understand Chenderit school policy not to film students on school premises without their prior consent in writing. Neither will i post any of this material on social media or on any media including monitors, or any where in public, unless approval is gained in writing prior to the event. 
I also give my consent for my image to be used in filming tasks that form part of the GCSE or A level media studies course. 

Name- Bridey Aries (not needed as over the age of 18)
Date- 2/11/2017

Name of child (under the age of 18)- Emily Sommerfeld
Date- 2/11/2017

Name of child (under the age of 18)- Oliver Poole
Date- 2/11/2017

Planning- Call sheet for shooting day one

Planning- Call for actors

Difference between a short film and a trailer and why we decided to change our idea.

short film is any motion picture not long enough to be considered a feature film. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences defines a short film as "an original motion picture that has a running time of 40 minutes or less, including all credits".The term features originally applied to a film longer than a short subject, but shorter than a standard feature film.
trailer (also known as a preview of coming attraction) is an advertisement or a commercial for a feature film that will be exhibited in the future at a cinema, the result of creative and technical work. The term "trailer" comes from their having originally been shown at the end of a feature film screening.

We decided to change to a trailer rather than a short film as our actors weren't comfortable to talk on camera despite their well performed audition tape. In addition, our ideas have changed slightly and we like the idea of music in the background. It is something different that we have never tried before also, we want to challenge ourselves. 

Wednesday 15 November 2017

Planning- Ancillary research for a poster

Conventions of a poster: A poster is any piece of printed paper designed to be attached to a wall or vertical surface. Typically posters include both textual and graphic elements, although a may be either wholly graphical or wholly text.

Taglines are used in the centre of the page and they must spark a reaction from the audience without revealing too much of the product. Its used to to make the audience to know about the product and excite them but not too much that they feel like they already feel like they know enough.

Posters sometimes have quotes near the bottom of the page. These are from newspapers promoting the film and again enticing the audience to go and see the product.

General colour code throughout the poster is essential because the poster will look more professional and clean when its limited to a few colours. You should use colours that portray emotions similar to the product. for example, red for a romance film.

Image in the centre of the page that relates to the product, maybe the two characters of our film or one of them and create a strong image that links to the title of the product. Also, you will put the characters real names and the directors name.

The directors name is usually on the poster connecting their importance in the creation of this product. If the director is well known it may attract more of an audience to to good recognition.

Title of the film tells the audience the name of the genre and the typography in which it is written can sometimes hint at the genre of the film and the plot.

Friday 3 November 2017

Planning- Auditions

We had six people audition for the roles of Daisy and Charlie. We had two heterosexual couples and one homosexual couple. We explored the idea of having a homosexual couple as we did this last year. We have decided to cast the last couple, Emily and Ollie, as they had good chemistry on camera. We felt the connection between them and that is what we want to get across in the film. 
The first couple was too dramatic for a film and did not quite have the chemistry we were after. The acting was very good however, we do want to focus on the romance aspect despite the disequilibrium at the end of our narrative. 
The second couple did work well, we both liked the gay idea. But we wanted to explore something different because we explored this last year. In addition, they did not have the on-screen chemistry we were after. 
The final couple did struggle acting however, as they are a couple, their chemistry and connection was clear on-screen. We felt that they would work well together and not make it uncomfortable or awkward. We will have to focus a lot on their acting to build up their confidence, but we will consider this carefully when filming by giving enough days to film and get all the shots we need. 

Thursday 2 November 2017

Planning- props

In our film one main prop that we are intending to use is a canal rowing boat, these are provided at the location we have chosen which is Stratford Upon Avon as a river runs through the heart of the town. We want to involve this prop due to it being linked to a romantic peaceful prop in other romance genre film and we need to bring as such romantic elements into our film as possible. This develops the romantic atmosphere. 

We have considered using other props such as; flowers, jewellery and a house key which will be used when the couple move in together. These props will symbolise love and allow the audience understand the couples relationship is slowly building and becoming more serious. The flowers and jewellery maybe given to the female character as a gift. The key is a significant prop in the film as it will be used to signify that the couples relationship is progressing and they are moving in together which is a big step. 

Planning- choosing a location

We want to film in the centre of Stratford Upon Avon as we think that it will be a good location when filming the multiple date shots for the montage. Stratford has a good aesthetic that we feel will look effective in our film and fit with the genre well. 

I think that by filming by the river it will create a romantic mise en scene. In addition, we will include shots of the outside restaurants as they are cute and unique in comparison to other restaurant environments this will develop the atmosphere and create a mood.  These locations look peaceful and simplistic as  we want to represent the calm relationship between the couple.

For the other shots that are based around the couples house and inside the house which is based in Middleton Cheney. We will film inside and outside of the house. The house shots will be for the part where the event planner and the male character are seen having a meeting for an upcoming event which will celebrate the couples relationship. The female character assumes he is cheating and leaves him. They then resolve the argument at her favourite lake which is in Middleton Cheney. 

Final film trailer