Friday 3 November 2017

Planning- Auditions

We had six people audition for the roles of Daisy and Charlie. We had two heterosexual couples and one homosexual couple. We explored the idea of having a homosexual couple as we did this last year. We have decided to cast the last couple, Emily and Ollie, as they had good chemistry on camera. We felt the connection between them and that is what we want to get across in the film. 
The first couple was too dramatic for a film and did not quite have the chemistry we were after. The acting was very good however, we do want to focus on the romance aspect despite the disequilibrium at the end of our narrative. 
The second couple did work well, we both liked the gay idea. But we wanted to explore something different because we explored this last year. In addition, they did not have the on-screen chemistry we were after. 
The final couple did struggle acting however, as they are a couple, their chemistry and connection was clear on-screen. We felt that they would work well together and not make it uncomfortable or awkward. We will have to focus a lot on their acting to build up their confidence, but we will consider this carefully when filming by giving enough days to film and get all the shots we need. 

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Final film trailer