Wednesday 15 November 2017

Planning- Ancillary research for a poster

Conventions of a poster: A poster is any piece of printed paper designed to be attached to a wall or vertical surface. Typically posters include both textual and graphic elements, although a may be either wholly graphical or wholly text.

Taglines are used in the centre of the page and they must spark a reaction from the audience without revealing too much of the product. Its used to to make the audience to know about the product and excite them but not too much that they feel like they already feel like they know enough.

Posters sometimes have quotes near the bottom of the page. These are from newspapers promoting the film and again enticing the audience to go and see the product.

General colour code throughout the poster is essential because the poster will look more professional and clean when its limited to a few colours. You should use colours that portray emotions similar to the product. for example, red for a romance film.

Image in the centre of the page that relates to the product, maybe the two characters of our film or one of them and create a strong image that links to the title of the product. Also, you will put the characters real names and the directors name.

The directors name is usually on the poster connecting their importance in the creation of this product. If the director is well known it may attract more of an audience to to good recognition.

Title of the film tells the audience the name of the genre and the typography in which it is written can sometimes hint at the genre of the film and the plot.

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Final film trailer