Friday 24 November 2017

Planning- Ancillary research for a magazine cover

Conventions of a magazine front cover: 
front covers of magazines should be designed to interest the public and become eye catching. They also display a main image in the centre of the page with bold titles displayed across the image and clean layouts to create an overall appealing look.

The master headline is usually at the top of the page and will create the brands image and will make it easily recognisable for the audience. 

The central image is usually a close up or medium shot of a person. The people being advertised will usually be featured on the front cover therefore for our trailer our two characters will be involved as the photo. Reasoning for the image being close up and in the middle of the page is because they are the main focus of the magazine and product. The Gaze is the direct address for example having the characters looking down the camera it is welcoming and creates a bond between the product and the audience. Also, by having the characters looking at each other will allow the audience to feel he relationship and connection between the characters in the image. 

The slogan is usually positioned underneath the master headline and explains the content and makes the page stand out from its rivals. 

Cover lines are usually the main text on the cover and they advertise the other articles, as well as this main article shown on the cover, in the rest of the magazine to entice the readers.
See the source image

For example, with this magazine front cover, you can see the mast head clearly that remains the same colour in each edition. They also have cover lines in different with buzz words such as 'Exclusive'. The film title is featured, they use a contrast colour to stand out but also highlight the colours in the main image. The front cover then incorporates the required information.

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Final film trailer