Thursday 2 November 2017

Planning- props

In our film one main prop that we are intending to use is a canal rowing boat, these are provided at the location we have chosen which is Stratford Upon Avon as a river runs through the heart of the town. We want to involve this prop due to it being linked to a romantic peaceful prop in other romance genre film and we need to bring as such romantic elements into our film as possible. This develops the romantic atmosphere. 

We have considered using other props such as; flowers, jewellery and a house key which will be used when the couple move in together. These props will symbolise love and allow the audience understand the couples relationship is slowly building and becoming more serious. The flowers and jewellery maybe given to the female character as a gift. The key is a significant prop in the film as it will be used to signify that the couples relationship is progressing and they are moving in together which is a big step. 

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