Thursday 16 November 2017

Difference between a short film and a trailer and why we decided to change our idea.

short film is any motion picture not long enough to be considered a feature film. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences defines a short film as "an original motion picture that has a running time of 40 minutes or less, including all credits".The term features originally applied to a film longer than a short subject, but shorter than a standard feature film.
trailer (also known as a preview of coming attraction) is an advertisement or a commercial for a feature film that will be exhibited in the future at a cinema, the result of creative and technical work. The term "trailer" comes from their having originally been shown at the end of a feature film screening.

We decided to change to a trailer rather than a short film as our actors weren't comfortable to talk on camera despite their well performed audition tape. In addition, our ideas have changed slightly and we like the idea of music in the background. It is something different that we have never tried before also, we want to challenge ourselves. 

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Final film trailer