Monday 20 November 2017

Planning- ancillary research- poster analysis

I chose this poster because i felt it was slightly similar to the one i plan to create. It focuses on the background as well as the character. The film is about a couple in which the husband dies, the husband prepared for his death and made plans ahead to make it easier for his wife to deal with. It had a lot of success, grossing around $53,000,000

Main image:
The image is a wide shot with the female on a bench slightly centred to the left. The letters blowing away in the wind gives a sense of loss, it creates the image of death as the bright white paper almost appears to be feathers/doves (a symbol of love and death). The urban setting in the background is quite dominating and suggests this is a romance film as romance films are conventionally set in cities. The fact we cannot see the character is unusual as they are not making direct address with the audience. It draws in the audience, making us want to find out what she is reading. 
The slight haze around the image creates a sort of magical atmosphere. The bright light behind the women, creating the silhouette makes her stand out and focuses on her. The tree on the left hand side is unusual as it creates a eerie mood but suggests that something does happen to this character which has a negative impact on her. the fact the tree has no leaves on, shows its in autumn as well as symbolising death. The main character is not the centre of this poster, suggesting there is more to this story other than the relationship between two people. 

The bright lighting behind the character immediately makes me think of heaven and the darkness around the image enhances the silhouette even more. The high a low key lighting suggests this character may have conflict within herself, a personal struggle that she has to overcome. The brightness of the letters as well suggests that they will help her, and she will get through it. 

I think this does fit with the genre of the film however, its not conventional to a romance film. It does show that there is going to be a break in the relationship and the fact we don't see her partner suggests we will be following her through this. The title of the film immediately implies that the couple have exchanged letters and shows that the two are apart. It does suggest that her partner was a big part of her life and despite the darkness around her, these letters appear to give her happiness. It sparks enigma, we want to know what's in the letters and what's happened between the two thats caused them to be apart. 

The general conventions of a poster is to get the attention of the audience and there must be a focal point to grab the audience's eye. It should also show the genre clearly. It may have a release date as well as production information and characters. Some have reviews from magazines and newspapers. 

The typography for the film title is written in script, it makes it more personal and further implies that the couple have exchanges letters. It further hints at the narrative, it is conventional for a romance film. 
The other font is very formal which shows the seriousness of this relationship. The font in the centre of the page translates from french to "She only had one thing to tell him"

Mise en scene:
The main colour scheme is greens, blues and whites. All the colours work well together and enhance the whites, making t really effective and stand out. This then sparks enigma as well as creating a unsual mood. The colour scheme is not typical of a romance film. Often warm colours are used; it goes against the conventional colour pallette. The dark green creates a sense of death and the silhouette provides a sense of the unknown. We want to see the characters face. It implies that she will have to deal with grief after losing a loved one, she may feel isolated like how she looks on this poster. Due to the bright light, you cant see the characters clothing, she is wearing a hat however, suggesting that it is cold. This could be pathetic fallacy, representing her mood. It further sparks enigma, the audience wants to know more. The main props used are the letters, these are enhanced and draw in the audience.

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