Monday 14 August 2017

Non-genre specific analysis- Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire.

This is an analysis of the first two minutes of the film Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The genre of this film is fantasy fiction as well as action and thriller. 
The film begins with the Warner Bros logo, it has been edited to fit the genre of the film. The darkness establishes the genre immediately and the slight fog suggests hidden information or the unknown. The darkness around further exaggerates this idea and implies dark magic. It instantly has a magical theme. As the camera zooms in on the logo, we eventually see a wall of skulls. It begins to pan down revealing a snake. The low key lighting is maintained building an atmosphere and creating tension. It sparks enigma, the audience wants to see everything and the low level lighting makes it difficult to focus therefore keeping them engaged. The camera then follows the snake as it comes out of the wall. 
Snakes are often feared by people because they are dangerous however, snakes are seen as sly and evil animals that you cannot trust. The use of the snake may signify that the next character we will see are not trustworthy or are perhaps dangerous to the main character. In addition, the snake is moving through a graveyard which also has negative connotations of death. Also, graveyards are feared especially at night because its the fear of the unknown. The fact it is filmed during the night amplifies the mystery.  
The next shot pans up to a statue of a skeleton with angel wings. Angels have religious connotations but the skeleton has negative connotations; the two images juxtapose, keeping the audience engaged. Skeletons are often associated with death and morality. Both images are two different ideas of morality. The dark colour palette used fits well with the shots as the colour grey is associated with depression and loss, maintaining the theme of death. 
It then continues to pan up to the sky revealing the title of the film, the grey colour scheme is used in the title.The titles font looks magical, suggesting this film is fiction. Its sharp edges create a thriller vibe and makes it more dramatic. 
The wide establishing shot (aerial shot) instantly sets the scene and appears to be quite sinister. A light turns on, the fact that the surrounding is in moonlight, shows that there is life but further sparks enigma, the audience want to know who lives in the house. The fact we only see a silhouette keeps the audience engaged. There is then a quick cut to a mans hand lighting the stove. The man appears to e old, it suggests vulnerability. Also he is alone which further emphasizes the fact that he may be in danger. 
The house does look slightly run-down, implying the man can't keep up with mainitance. It suggests he may be a care taker elsewhere. The quick cuts give the audience an insight into the character. The fact a light from the house opposite shocks him implies he is completely alone. It also implies he may be in danger. Likewise, the character appears to be angry which suggests that he has to deal with trespassers often, he does not seem to be worried but the audience understand that everything may not be so ordinary. The character picks up some keys showing he is a caretaker. 
The characters costume emphasises his age and once again the colour of his clothes are dull. The character has to use a torch in order to see. The fact he shines it at the camera heightens the darkness around. The mid-shot of the character reveals what the character looks like, he fact he is to the right of camera, shows the scene in the background (the graveyard). The low angle shots of the snake contrasts with the shots of the man, it suggests the snake has more power than the man  further implying that when he enters the house, he will be in danger. 
The non-diegetic sound of the orchestra builds up the dramatic tension, setting up the audience for what is to come. When the snake appears the music alters slightly to have a more magical theme but then builds up again to exaggerate the fact that the snake is perhaps a threat to the main character. 

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