Friday 24 November 2017

Planning- ancillary research- magazine front cover analysis

Entertainment Weekly is an American magazine, published by Meredith Corporation, that covers filmtelevisionmusicBroadway theatre, books and popular cultureIt publishes several "double issues" each year (usually in January, May, June and/or August) that are available on newsstands for two weeks. The masthead is always at the top of the page but often the font is not obstructed by the main image. 

Main image:
The focal point of the image is often the main characters from the featured film, which is why mid shots are used. The characters take up most of the image but the light and bright background creates a happy atmosphere. It suggests the film is set in a rural area perhaps. 
The colour Green (the color of life) has connotations of renewal, nature, and energy, is associated with meanings of growth, harmony, freshness, safety, fertility, and environment. It has healing power, suggesting that perhaps in this film one of the characters is ill or there perhaps is a breaking in the relationship that gets resolved. 

Usually at the top of the page there will be the masthead (title of the magazine). It will also often be the largest font on the page. The font will indicate the target audience of the magazine. Similar to the font, the image should reflect the genre of the magazine. The main shot is often a mid-shot that shows what the film is about. For example, in this magazine it is clear that the two people are a couple, suggesting its a romance film. It usual includes the main character or characters. In addition, magazine covers will have 'buzz words' which mean words such as 'exclusive' or 'free'. These are simply used to capture attention from the reader. Anchorage text is used which overlaps the image. It may tell you about the film or mention interviews with the actors. Banners just gives overall information about the magazine and perhaps mention what will be inside. Finally, barcodes, issue number and date will be on the front cover, it is required. 

The masthead is the name of the magazine 'Entertainment', it is the same on every issue. Often the colour is changed in order to fit in with the background, it is behind the image. The font used is bureau grot, it is clear so it can be read easily. the font looks professional and gives a sense of modernism. It is quite formal and doesn't reflect the film they are promoting. The title of the film is placed on the left hand side and is the second largest font on the cover. It immediately informs the audience of what the film is about. In addition, the fact its in italics makes it stand out despite it being smaller than the masthead. The fact the film title is positioned to the left in the middle makes it contrast with the white shirt that the actor is wearing. 

Language features:
The magazine mainly covers features that will sell. There will be pull quotes to draw the reader in such as 'exclusive', this shows that the magazine is the first to have the information. There are also subsidiary banners used to fill up dead space. they use more pull words for example in this issue the word 'plus' is used. These words attract the reader and keeps them engaged. the words stand out clearly because they contrast with the neutral background. Also the use of question marks makes the reader think and draws you in, wanting to know the answer. All words on the front cover inform the reader of whats inside, they are short summaries of the stories. 

Colour scheme:
The colour scheme is often in relation to the film, the colours used will be the same as the colour used in the poster etc. The black font and blue underlines relate to the book front cover. The colour blue often has connotations of masculinity but the fact its a light blue suggests youth as well as symbolizing trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven. the colour black has negative connotations of death or the unknown. However, it can also symbolize power and elegance. The black also provides a sense of mystery, making the audience curious. The colour scheme works well with the main image as it stands out and is clear. Also the 

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