Thursday 2 November 2017

Planning- choosing a location

We want to film in the centre of Stratford Upon Avon as we think that it will be a good location when filming the multiple date shots for the montage. Stratford has a good aesthetic that we feel will look effective in our film and fit with the genre well. 

I think that by filming by the river it will create a romantic mise en scene. In addition, we will include shots of the outside restaurants as they are cute and unique in comparison to other restaurant environments this will develop the atmosphere and create a mood.  These locations look peaceful and simplistic as  we want to represent the calm relationship between the couple.

For the other shots that are based around the couples house and inside the house which is based in Middleton Cheney. We will film inside and outside of the house. The house shots will be for the part where the event planner and the male character are seen having a meeting for an upcoming event which will celebrate the couples relationship. The female character assumes he is cheating and leaves him. They then resolve the argument at her favourite lake which is in Middleton Cheney. 

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Final film trailer