Friday 25 August 2017

Time line analysis- short film- Post It Love.

Post It Love (2009)- Girl meets Boy in this quirky office romance, where they find an inventive way to woo each other.

0.10 secs- medium shot with photo frame in the centre of the shot. Film title to the left slightly above the frame.
0.14-0.19 secs- medium shot of female character, centre of frame. 
0.19-0.28 secs- over head shot, then pans across (to the left) to the man doing the same actions.
0.28- 0.41 secs- wide shot/establishing shot of the characters doing the same movements. Split screen.
0.42- 0.47 secs- obstructing shot with lady out of focus, man in focus. 
0.47- 0.50 secs- focus pull on female character (rack focus). 
0.50- 0.57 secs- wide shot/establishing shot. Character in centre of shot (framing). 
0.57- 0.60 secs- birds eye view shot.
0.60- 0.64 secs- side shot with framing of character. goes to a dolly shot following the character. 
0.64- 0.66 secs- close up shot of female, slightly out of focus. 
0.66- 0.75 secs- long duration medium shot. 
0.75- 0.89 secs- establishing shot.
0.89- 0.96 secs- medium shot. 
0.96- 0.112 secs- medium shot with character in frame (centre). 
0.112-0.118 secs- quick cut to black screen, then a medium shot. quick cut to black screen.
0.118- 0.122 secs- extreme close up of eyes of female. 
0.122- 0.123 secs- cut to medium shot. 
0.123- 0.136 secs- medium shot, female in centre of frame. 
0.136- 0.147 secs- medium shot of office, character walks into shot. dolly shot where character walks towards the camera. then zooms out. 
0.147- 0.152 secs- wide shot. 
0.152- 0.163 secs- medium shot of male. 
0.163- 171 secs- zoom in shot on female. goes to a close up. quick cut to black screen. 

The short film is made up of simple shots which work effectively due to the way in which they have been edited. In addition, there is no speech which makes it very effective as you only focus on body language and facial expression. 

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Final film trailer