Sunday 25 March 2018

Post production- editing the colour gradient

The left image, is the original shot. The right image is where the saturation has been reduced slightly. 

Despite the fact our film is a romance film, the trailer does show the sad emotion of the relationship breaking. We wanted to express the sadness through the colour gradient as dull colours have connotations of depression and misery. We felt that b doing this, it will represent the characters melancholy mood. A typical convention of a romance film is bright and warming colours, so to subvert that, it will show the change in emotion. 

When the breaking of the relationship occurs, we altered the colour gradient slightly to represent the sadness the character will feel. The saturation is lowered slightly, to reduce the colour brightness which therefore, represents the lack of happiness the character feels in the situation. It also represnets the lack of emotion the character feels towards 'Charlie'.
The reducing of the saturation, has taken away the redness in the characters cheeks which represents the loss of warmth she once had. 

This screenshot shows how we altered the vignette around the images.This was used to represent the fact it was the past and to foreshadow that not everything was as it seemed. 

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Final film trailer