Monday 26 March 2018

Production and post production- updated location

After filming in stratford, we plan to film in the village to get the other shots. This will make it easier for the actors to get to the location, giving us more time to film. It allowed us to also save money on travelling. 
We filmed near the church, Rectory Lane and Church lane. We then filmed in a field near by where it had a lake. We were able to walk to the new locations. We liked the appearance of the lanes and how they were quite secluded. They also had a very traditional feel, which fits with the genre; traditional often has romantic connotations. Once again, we relied on natural light, but due to the position we managed to get good lighting. It wasn't too dark but did create a dark feel, to show the lack of emotion. Also the fact we shot near a church symbolizes death and morality, representing the fracture. 

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Final film trailer