Sunday 15 April 2018

Evaluation question one

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Conventions and forms are elements that are used to make a media product recognisable to an audience. These include both macro and micro elements. Micro elements is where you include elements such as high/low key lighting, quick cuts and location. Macro elements look at larger aspects and themes such as theorists like Todorov and his narrative theory. Both of these forms are needed in order for the product to be liked by the target audience. After researching into many media products, it has led me to discover the codes and conventions that make them recognisable.

Film Trailer Conventions Include; 

  • Film Title
  • Film Production Logos 
  • Social Media 
  • Music and voice overs
  • Character Introductions 
  • Release Date 

Magazine Cover Conventions Include; 

  • Masthead 
  • Tagline
  • Cover Lines 
  • Variety of Font Types 
  • Main Image 
  • Date and Barcode 

Film Poster Conventions Include; 

  • Main Image 
  • Release Date 
  • Film Title 
  • Billing Board
  • Actor Names 
  • Review and Rating 
Our film trailer is a of a romance genre, an it does subvert as well as conform to the typical conventions of a romance film. Our trailer does conform to many of the typical forms of a trailer. For example, we have included voice overs from the female characters, showing that the story will be told from her point of view. In addition, Todorov's narrative theory of equilibrium and disequilibrium is shown. The narrative begins with the couple in a happy relationship, there is another female character seen which causes a disruption to the equilibrium. We decided to end the trailer on an uncertain ending, leaving the target audience keen to watch the film to discover the ending. This is challenging Todorov's theory as the disequilibrium is not resolved. It is conventional of a trailer however, to leave it on a cliffhanger as the audience does not know everything that is going on, the narrative is clear but the resolution is unclear. It sparks enigma as the audience wants to know what It going to happen to all the characters in the film. The audience want to know all the details and the fact it is told by the female character is even more intriguing as the audience then creates a rapport with the character and can relate to the circumstances.
Throughout my research, I have established that when film trailers are published they are often shared on YouTube which is a video sharing website. They are also shown on other medias as well as TV. They are also promoted before feature films in a cinema. We decided it would be more cost effective and most appropriate. It is a free website and its social platform has increased rapidly the past few years, it is extremely popular with our target audience age range. It has been running for around 12 years and claims to have around 1 billion active users every month. This means the trailer has a wider demographic perhaps going beyond our target audience. In addition, it is easy to view trailers as often before the video you clicked plays, adverts are shown. Another strength of uploading our trailer to this site is that it is easy to share on other social media sites such as Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter. By sharing it on social medias, its a
good way to receive feedback. It is a very successful site that can promote the product well and create a hype for the film release.

Regarding my ancillary products (poster and a magazine front cover),I decided to present these on my media blog. This challenges the conventions of media products as stereotypically these products are primarily distributed in print form. The posters are printed for billboards and the magazine front cover is printed alongside the rest of the magazine. Blogger s a digital platform and I thought it would be a good idea of publishing my products. My blog is published online so can be seen by many online users. It can also be shared through a number of medua platforms. It shows my progression of my work and also print work is become less popular, more people are online as it is easy, quick and saves money. It is instant access of many different products.

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Final film trailer