Thursday 1 February 2018

Production- narrative structure updated

We have changed the narrative slightly. Originally, it was meant to appear as though he was cheating on her when in actual fact he was simply planning a surprise party. However, after thinking of the shots we thought it would be more powerful if there was another woman, allowing us to have a number of shots of her to contrast with the character 'Daisy'. Also, the change of narrative draws the audience in as they are intrigued to who will win 'Charlie' over. In addition, we thought that we will show the couple arguing to represent the breaking of the relationship as well as show that he is denying the fact he is cheating. The other lover looks as though she is aware of the woman and will not go down without a fight, she becomes a hated character as does 'Charlie'. It makes the audience feel sympathy for the character of 'Daisy'. 
The narrative becomes a lot clearer to the audience and less confusing. The audience understand what is happening as well as staying engaged and making them what to know more. 

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