Friday 26 January 2018

Production- Day two/three of filming

The second day of filming, we were lucky with the weather. It was a typical bright winter's day, which worked well to show a passing of time. We didn't film as much due the the actors being restricted to time. So we did have to film on another day in which we only required one of the actors, we have one more filming day. It has been difficult because one of our actors isnt readily available so it has required a lot of planning. 
One of our struggles in the bright sun, was focusing the camera. It did take longer to film. In addition, we were unable to get the exact location we wanted due to the restricted time, so we did have to compromise but we worked with it and ensure we avoided getting certain aspects of the environment in it. 
On the third day, i drove to the location to save time, we also precisely planned what shots we wanted to get. It was a lot easier as we only had one of the characters. 
When we film on the fourth day, we only require a few shots and this will be done effectively as the shots have been planned. 

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