Thursday 22 March 2018

Post production-lighting

When we planned our filming days, we looked carefully at the weather and also ensured that the times we were filming we would have the best light (mid-day). In addition, there were a few days we planned to film that we had to cancel due to the restriction of the weather. For example, it rained one day, and due to the heaviness of the rain and the health and safety of the actors as well as Sophie and I, we had to rearrange the day. Our equipment would not enable us to film, in the rain. 

The other days in which we filmed, we were very lucky as we had clear blue skies and sun. The shots looked really clear and we used it well in order to create the shadows we wanted. 

Overall, we did not need to use a light and/or tripod. It made us have more filming days due to restricted  daylight, but overall it worked well. 

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Final film trailer