Tuesday 19 September 2017

Chosen genre- Romance

Sophie and I have decided to to do a romantic film trailer.
A romantic film is often aimed towards females as it is stereotyped that females are more emotional when it comes to relationships and do become more attached. Stereotypical in a romance film, the male character is admired and the love interest in which the female character is trying to get close to. The female character will hold more dominance in the film however, the male character will hold some power in which it makes the female character appear vulnerable and weak. 
Most rom-coms follow the same narrative structure, in which a girl meets a boy and the relationship develops. There is a often a disequilibrium suggest the couple may never get back together. This follows Todoorov's theory of a disruption in the equilibrium. The traditionally ending, shows the characters resolving the issue and returning to an equilibrium; 'the happy ever after'. 
The Mise en scene of most romance films include stereotypical props, such as flowers, chocolates, jewellery that is usually exchanged from the male to the female. These objects have connotations of love which is why they are often used as a symbol of affection and love. The lighting is often quite soft and calming creating an intimate atmosphere. Light and bright colours, such as red and white, have connotations of an intense mood/passion and purity which is often associated with the female being innocent, these colours represents the emotions the characters feel. These colours can be shown through the use of costume and makeup, for example, a red lip or red dress. 
The camera angles may vary in a romance, from wide shots to extreme close ups. In our film, we will use extreme close ups often, to sow the characters emotion. They also allow the audience to build a rapport, it establishes a connection. It enables the audience to feel what the character is feeling, keeping them engaged. Establishing shots are too quite common to create an atmosphere, often it is a city setting but we have decided to film in a more rural area to create a more natural environment. 
Sound is key to create the mood, often soft non-diegetic sound is used to represent the sensitivity and tenderness of a relationship. We will use other non-diegetic sounds to build tension when there is a disequilibrium.

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Final film trailer