Tuesday 15 August 2017

Non-genre specific analysis- Avengers: Age of Ultron

This is an action, superhero film. I am analysing the first fight scene in the film and i will  analyse the first two minutes of the fight.
It begins with an army truck driving very recklessly through a forest. The fact there is snow is unusual as snow often symbolises beauty but it can symbolise mystery. The fire in the background of the wide shot represents danger. The camera follows the truck through the trees making the audience feel as though they are involved, keeping them engaged. 
The gun shots that are fired aren't regular bullets making the genre clear. In addition, the mid shot of the female is shocking, you would not expect stereotypically to see a woman driver and a woman involved in a fight. It surprises the audience, sparking enigma. We want to understand why she is there.  
The dramatic non-diegetic orchestra in the background builds up the tension. In addition the diegetic sound of the guns/lasers are
Moreover, her red hair stands out with the lack. The colour red has connotations of danger, fierceness. The colour black, which all characters appear to be wearing has connotations of power as well as morality, further implying how they are putting their lives at risk in order to win and perhaps save theres. 
The camerawork remains very similar throughout, it follows characters making the audience feel involved. The aerial shots work well to establish the environment. It also shows how the main characters work together in the fight, it signifies that they rely on one another. However, there are shots that a slowed down for dramatic affect but also enables the audience to understand completely what is going on. The use of dolly shots work effectively as it can show every aspect of the fight. It gives a different perspective.  
Once again , the colour red is seen again on the character of Thor as he wears a cape. It's a very intense colour that stands out clearly when in contrast with the background and the black uniform. 

The next shot is in slow motion, its very effective and dramatic. It enables the audience to see each character with their power or strength. For example, the 'Hulk's' physical strength is shown but he does not obstruct the entire shot it simply puts into perspective his size in comparison with all the other characters. It also establishes the power these characters (The Avengers) have over the other characters. The high angle shots of the 'Avengers' fighting the other people, once again emphasize the strength and power they have over the other characters. The low angle shots of the individual characters further exaggerates this.

The shots continue and shows an outer space satellite, it emphasizes the fact that this film is a fiction/action film but also expresses the fact that this fight may be bigger than the 'Avengers' expect. The quick cuts are very effective in showing the different aspects of the satellite, showing how advanced the technology is. The quick cuts work well the show the action and to show more of the action that is happening, it keeps the audience engaged and excited. The fact it is not realistic can be appealing to an audience, it is an escape from real life. The mid and close up shots work well to introduce each character to the audience. 

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