Friday 23 March 2018

Post production- updated script

After recording the script and incorporating the voice overs into the trailer, it is clear that the voice overs of the male did not work as well as we anticipated. We decided to continue with the female voice over but also add the other female characters voice, the audience then only get a point of view from the two females in the trailer. In addition, we thought it would make it more dramatic and further clarify the narrative. 
The voice overs were recorded on a microphone in a soundproof room in order to improve the quality as many said that the voice overs needed to be louder.

Daisy- "I can't get him out of my mind"
Daisy- "He treats me like a stranger!"

Character of Bridey- "I'll see you in the usual spot, I'm wearing something you might like."

Daisy- "Just leave"

The non-diegetic music will then fade out. 

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Final film trailer