Monday 19 February 2018

Post production Ancillary product one- poster

This is our poster ancillary product that was created on Photoshop. The shot was a photograph taken during filming. We thought this would represent the relationship well and connection between the characters. In addition, the singular swan in the background further represents the idea that the couple are going to fall apart. I think it presents the genre well, signifying that it is about a relationship between to people and perhaps something may change. On the original poster, i did not have the date, but i have now added it due to feedback. I have tried to add small print at the bottom of the page but due to the white from the water, it cannot be seen. I have restricted myself with the photo but we thought it immediately inform the audience of the genre. 

Monday 12 February 2018

Production- makeup updated

The makeup was kept very natural and minimal as we had planned. We decide not to do dramatic eye make up due to the time restriction and felt the costume worked well with the make up. I simply added a little more bronzer and highlighter to add definition. I did a full face of makeup on Emily and only used concealer and bronzer on Ollie in order to give him a slight glow. 
On the other days of filming we did minimal makeup again as it shows the breaking of the relationship, the lack of makeup signifies the sense of giving up and contrast well with the previous shots. In addition, Emily had a perm so we did not need to curl her hair. 
Photo from the first day of production.

Tuesday 6 February 2018

Production- voice overs and non-diegetic sound

The voice overs will provide more structure to the trailer and enable the audience to completely understand the narrative. They will be added to specific shots in order to build the atmosphere. When there is the phone call, it will be clear that Charlie is answering the phone, we will have a ringtone. 
In addition, we decided to choose the song by Gabrielle Aplin as the lyrics fit well with the narrative and we preferred the rhythm. We have decided that the voice will be slightly quieter than the backing track in order to really emphasize the beat along with the shots appearing on screen. 

Thursday 1 February 2018

Production- narrative structure updated

We have changed the narrative slightly. Originally, it was meant to appear as though he was cheating on her when in actual fact he was simply planning a surprise party. However, after thinking of the shots we thought it would be more powerful if there was another woman, allowing us to have a number of shots of her to contrast with the character 'Daisy'. Also, the change of narrative draws the audience in as they are intrigued to who will win 'Charlie' over. In addition, we thought that we will show the couple arguing to represent the breaking of the relationship as well as show that he is denying the fact he is cheating. The other lover looks as though she is aware of the woman and will not go down without a fight, she becomes a hated character as does 'Charlie'. It makes the audience feel sympathy for the character of 'Daisy'. 
The narrative becomes a lot clearer to the audience and less confusing. The audience understand what is happening as well as staying engaged and making them what to know more. 

Final film trailer