Wednesday 10 January 2018

Production- Choice of shots

In our trailer there are a number of shots that include couples to highlight the idea of relationships, for example the first shows the couple hand in hand walking away from the camera and in comparison, the binary opposites walk towards the camera. This perhaps suggests that the couple will have a long lasting relationship. Throughout the scenes there are other visuals of couples, emphasizing the relationship status. 
The binary opposites are seen in the bottom right hand side of the shot. 

Moreover, there are a series of shots that alo suggest loneliness. This foreshadows that something may cause a break in the relationship. For example, the shot of the one swan, swans are often seen in pairs. This is one of the strongest shots to foreshadow what is to come. This shot also breaks up the footage, allowing it to flow better. 
The single swan in the river highlights the idea that relationship may not be as perfect as it seems. 
In addition, the series of close up shots of the female shows that she is the main character and perhaps the story is told more from her side of view. It also shows her emotion and develops the mood. By showing repeated close up shots of the two, creates and develops the intimate relationship, which comes across to the audience. 

When the character Daisy is seen presumably leaving Charlie, we slowed down the shots to create a sense of being delirious and panic. She has seen her partner cheating and does not know what to do. It slows down the thought process and simply builds/creates the atmosphere and tension. 
The colour red has negative connotations to symbolize the breaking of the relationship. 
Moreover, towards the end of the trailer a shot of a holly bush is shown to show the progression of time however, the red berries on it symbolise the idea of love but also suggest danger. In our trailer, the shot is used to signify the breaking down of the relationship. 

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Final film trailer