Tuesday 17 October 2017

Planning- lighting

When deciding our location, we did have to consider the weather and the light. We understood that we had to take into consideration, the restricted light we would have as we were filming in winter. 

Throughout the trailer we will be using outdoor lighting. The outdoor lighting will benefit us and give us a natural look as well as creating an ambiance. The high key lighting will represent the happiness the couple are experience. It will create a positive mood and represent the characters emotions well. 

To achieve the dullness for when the relationship begins to break, we will edit the colour gradient and saturation. The low key lighting appearance will represent the change in mood and emotion.It will slightly build the tension, allowing the audience to understand that not everything is not as it seems. 

We did consider lights but due to the environment, we would not have anywhere to plug in the lights, therefore restricting us massively. Sophie and I will have to carefully check the weather and timings. We will completely rely on the weather and daylight. We will take standard lights with us as well as a stand if the natural light does not give us what we hoped, if this is the case we will have to change our exact location in order to use the lighting. 

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Final film trailer