Thursday 19 October 2017

Planning- Health and Safety- risk assessment

What are the hazards?
Who might be harmed and how?
What are you already doing?
Do you need to anything else to control this risk?
Action by who?
Action by when?
Slips and trips (internal)
Actors and crew may be injured if they trip over objects or equipment or slip on spillages.  
The area must be clear and it must be maintained throughout the filming process. The area must be well lit to ensure everything is visible. All cables and leads must be ordered and not left in a vulnerable place (clear signage if needed). Finally, everyone cleans up after themselves to avoid any other hazards.
The area must be kept tidy at all times, nothing can be left on the floors. Any areas with electrical equipment must be completely clear. Make sure only certain actors are there on the day, to reduce crowding.
All cast and crew on set.
From now

Crew and/or actors who may be near the electrical sources could be at risk or electrocution.
Equipment may become damaged if it comes into contact with water.  
We must plan ahead, to ensure we avoid bad weather.
Shots that require an external environment should be shot quickly and efficiently therefore, we can avoid the bad weather. We would give the characters a quick run through so they know what to do before hand.
We must ensure the actors know what they are doing before so if we need to film in the rain it won’t take that long.  This will also reduce the damage done to equipment.
We will bring umbrellas to protect any electrical equipment.
From now

Sudden illness or injuries- (internal and external)
Anybody from the crew to the actors could suddenly become ill or suffer an injury.
We will provide a first aid box that will be at every location in which we film.
We will film in familiar locations or places which we know well so we know where we can get help.
We will film in easy access locations.
Actors and crew.
From now

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