Wednesday 12 July 2017

Research task- chosen media

What is a short film?
short film is any film not long enough to be considered a feature film. No consensus exists as to where that boundary is drawn. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences defines a short film as “an original motion picture that has a running time of 40 minutes or less, including all credits”. A short film often follows a protagonist in which they face a dilemma, the dilemma will be solved and the equilibrium will be restored. They often have very simple plots as they need to show it all in the limited amount of time they have. Short films have few characters as there isn't enough time to introduce them. The idea of a short film was first introduced in 1910 as comedy serials, created by comedians as Charlie Chaplin as well as Laurel and Hardy. 
What are the key aspects of a short film? 
Short films tend to only have two to three characters at most, this is due to the limited running time. There isn't time to introduce multiple characters in such a short time period as it would confuse the audience and make them uninterested.
Short films do not focus on character development due to the short period of time, so they focus solely on the plot and resolving the disequilibrium.  
Short films tend to stick in the same locations to keep the plot as simple as possible but still entertaining for the audience. The plot must be simple so the audience can clearly understand what is going on, the time scale is the reason for this. 
Many short films take the idea of a plot which follows an ordinary mundane task that the audience will relate to and putting an interesting spin on it. 
Todorov's film theory of equilibrium can be applied to short films as there is generally a problem or conflict half way through the film which is revealed at the end. 
Short films tend to have a smaller budget due to their independent nature, therefore its unusual to see expensive props and lots of extras as it would be too costly for the production.   
Short films also tend to stick to few if not one location due to their low budget, they cannot afford to travel far, so mise en scene won't be as strong. 
Actors tend to be inexperienced a younger in age as they are cheaper to hire.
They tend to be of a lower quality than larger productions, this is because they tend to have to use cheaper lower quality filming equipment due to their small budget. The camera equipment won't be as high tech. 
Budget can also affect the score for the film as the creators don't have to money to hire an artist to create original music, therefore they end up using copyright free music but this can affect the overall quality of the film when compared with a feature length film. 
Editing and Mise-en-scene-
It is rare to see VFX and Special Effects to be used in a short film due to their small budget. Voiceovers are popular within short films as they can tell a story
A short film can be any genre. Short films can be either animated or live action, therefore not putting a limit on the the choice of genre.

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Final film trailer